CASE STUDY: SM Industries A/S
Correct data for follow-up on production hours

SM Industries A/S manufactures and co-engineers heavy complex steel structures for a diverse range of industries, including wind energy, offshore oil and gas, transmission towers and material handling systems.
Operations are based on a dual production strategy with both series and order production. SM Industries A/S has two advanced and highly automated production plants located near Aabenraa harbour in the southern part of Denmark.
SM Industries A/S is owned by Euro-steel, has approx. 600 employees in Denmark and a revenue of 664 million DKK in 2017.
“With ProMark, we now have a modern, automated solution for collection of employee working time. It has provided us with the desired transparency so we can constantly track use of time and status on production orders – and adjust if necessary”.
– Bo Bendixen, CFO, SM Industries A/S
The challenge
- ^Too many manual processes related to the collection of employee working time and absence
- ^Hard to figure out data
- ^Not possible to track status on orders and use of time
Success criteria
- ^Complete solution covering approx. 500 hourly-paid employees and 100 salaried workers
- ^All hourly-paid employees must clock in and out and register job time, whereas the salaried workers only need to register absence
- ^Staff roster planning solution to manage multiple shifts
- ^Roll-out in phases
Key functionality
- ^Time & attendance and absence registration
- ^Job registration
- ^Registrations via terminals, PC and mobile app
- ^Web-based staff roster planning
- ^Integration with ERP, production and payroll system
- ^Reporting and Business Intelligence
- ^Automated solution with smooth approval of registrations
- ^Increased transparency in job data for managing capacity and progress of orders
- ^Ability to push information on orders to the employees so they can follow status and use of time
- ^Modern, future-proof solution
Primary results
- ^Fast and current registration of working hours
- ^Reduced administrative time
- ^More efficient scheduling of working time
- ^Data in real-time for correct and complete follow-up on all production hours
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