The agreement includes a standard ProMark solution for 1,300 employees and will be implemented in phases.
ProMark has recently signed an agreement on an extension of our cooperation with the Danish wholesale company Lemvigh-Müller.
Today, Lemvigh-Müller has several time & attendance systems, including our WinTid solution, at their different locations. The company has a strategic goal of simplifying and standardizing their IT system landscape and is working focused on implementing one common solution covering all employees.
For quite some time, we have needed a more uniform time & attendance solution that will save time in our payroll department as well as in our production units. We expect that ProMark, in combination with our existing payroll and HR systems, will provide this.
Frederik Aakerlund, IT Director at Lemvigh-Müller.
The ProMark agreement covers:
Time & attendance and absence registration for 1,300 employees; 500 hourly-paid workers and 800 salaried employees
Registration via mobile phones, web portal and Kaba terminals with biometric readers
Integration with payroll system, Outlook and SAP
Absence analysis for structured follow-up on sickness absence and efficient handling of reimbursement claims
Automatic email notifications in case of missing registrations and/or approvals
We are happy that Lemvigh-Muller has chosen ProMark as their future time & attendance solution. With a standardized and automated solution for collecting and transferring data to the payroll and other business systems, Lemvigh-Müller can look forward to reducing the administrative costs considerably and achieve savings.
The project will be implemented in phases: Phase 1, covering the hourly-paid employees, will start up at the end of January and is expected to go live before summer.
Lemvigh-Müller is the largest steel and technical supplies wholesaler in Denmark. With 1,200 employees and 300,000 different product items, they cover a great need at installation contractors, industrial companies, supply companies and construction sites across Denmark.